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For A4. But with the transition to lean production, we brought in Trumpf machines (TRUMPF 600 L and 5000). The decision in favor of the mechanical engineering company based in southern Germany has proved to be groundbreaking. Bruder-Keller is now using the fifth generation of CNC machines. In the same way our customers place high demands on Bruder-Keller, we place high demands on our machinery pool. Furthermore, as the establishment of the Smart Factory and Industry 4.0 gathers pace, simple programming, flexible handling, high-level automation and complete connectivity are becoming all the more important. Our expertise has been growing for over 40 years and you benefit from that. For example, we have a huge selection of tools. Should the right tool ever be missing, we will produce the special tool that your order requires. Ultimately, that means short production times, and uncompromising precision in the manufacture of sheet metal components. All the processing plant employed by BRUDER-KELLER includes the full range of available accessories and can therefore do a lot more than punching and nibbling. In the same manufacturing step, the following processes can also be executed: countersinking, counterboring, and spotfacing - offsetting / bending - the manufacture of louvers /fish plates - embossing and engraving (special symbols/logos, numbers, letters) - punch marking - tapping (to produce thread sizes with diameters of M 2.5 to M 8). Incidentally, the contact surfaces of our machines are all equipped with brushes. This ensures entirely scratch-free processing and substantially reduces noise levels in our production halls. Every machine has interim storage consisting of 40 additional multi-tool cassettes. With 20 online workstations, the machines can thus access up to 600 tools. Furthermore, as our machines are fully automatic, they are happy to continue producing your products on public holidays! Two of the four units that we use are so-called combination machines that are also equipped with 4000-Watt lasers and can thus produce the most complicated shapes rapidly, oxide- and burr-free. Naturally, all our machines can take the largest commercially available sheet metal formats (1,500 x 3,000 mm). This permits the highest possible degree of nesting and thus more sustainable production. Even if a machine were to break down, there would be no reason to worry. With three further manufacturing centers, we will always be flexible enough to fulfil your order on time and with no compromise in quality.

Toutes nos cellules de poinçonnage-grignotage sont équipées de :

  • TRUMALIFT SHEETMASTER 1605 pour le chargement, le déchargement et l’empilage
  • automatique des flans de tôle à poinçonner (format 1.500 x 3.000 mm) et des pièces usinées

  • automatique des flans de tôle à poinçonner (format 1.500 x 3.000 mm) et des pièces usinées
  • TRUMAGRIP pour l’évaluation automatique et silencieuse des squelettes et des chutes
  • Tables de travail à brosses, qui entraînent une forte réduction des nuisances sonores et qui
  • permettent en outre l’élimination totale du risque de rayure de vos pièces

    À noter par ailleurs que chacune des cellules en service est dotée de l’intégralité des options figurant au catalogue du constructeur.

    Ce plein d’options permet à nos machines de réaliser parallèlement (dans le même cycle de production et sans nouvelle reprise en main), outre le poinçonnage-grignotage basique, des tâches aussi fastidieuses que :

  • Emboutissages et déformations (pliages) vers le bas et/ou le haut
  • Déformations droites ou curvilignes (nervurages) par outils molette
  • Mise en place d’attaches de jonction, de languettes ou de formes pré-découpées
  • Ouvertures d’ouïes de ventilation
  • Marquages et gravure des produits sur les deux faces
    (chiffres, lettres, logos, sigles et symboles en tous genres)
  • Ébarbage à billes ou ébavurage à la molette de découpes spécifiquement sélectionnées
  • Taraudage (jusqu’à 4 pas de vis différents par programme), avec des filetages de M2,5 à M8.

    Cette liste n’est pas exhaustive et de nouvelles possibilités apparaissent sans cesse.